dance live! workshops

Dance Live! provides free workshops for all participating schools at their nearest Dance Live! venue location. In some locations where Dance Live! has a hub of schools, Dance Live! also host workshops at one chosen school within this location for other schools to join (e.g. Isle of Wight or Cumbria).  Workshops consist of sessions on the following:

  • LED Screen Content Creation
  • Journey Video Creation
  • How to Interact with the Screen
  • Lighting Design
  • Soundtrack Creation
  • Dance Live! Team Q&A

Additionally, Dance Live! provides zoom workshops throughout September-January each year on:

  • Dance Live! Teacher Admin
  • LED Screen Content
  • Journey Video Creation
  • Music Editing
  • Prop/Set Design
  • Lighting Design

Workshop dates and locations will be sent directly to each school’s lead teacher after registration has been submitted each year.

Dance Live! Facilitators

For those schools that are unable to attend workshops in our venue locations or our zoom sessions, or would like additional help with their Dance Live! creations, Dance Live! recommends the following facilitators: 

Ricky Tart

Your story is the most important part of your show; how and why you tell it can be the difference between gaining or losing vital points.  

We understand how difficult it can be to write stories at a competitive level and every year we see some moving, hilarious, and incredibly thought provoking pieces. 

Our associate artist Ricky Tart has offered to work with schools to develop their shows to a high standard, focusing on perfecting your story, and giving advice on screen content.  

Ricky has taught theatre, creative writing, and filmmaking for nearly twenty years in schools, and has worked on a variety of theatre competitions and tournaments on the south coast – helping schools to achieve top positions in the running and claiming first, second, and third place for the national video competitions.   

To work with Ricky for half a day is £200, depending on distance he can either travel to you or meet over Zoom. To book a workshop with Ricky, please contact: [email protected]

Natalie Watson

Natalie Watson is freelance contemporary dance artist based in Hampshire. Alongside dancing professionally, Natalie teaches and choreographers for a range of educational and community settings. She specialises in dance theatre, storytelling through movement and placing dance in both traditional and unconventional performance spaces. She is passionate about dance being accessible to all and therefore enjoys working with a wide variety of participants.  

To work with Natalie for half day (up to 3 hours) is £200, depending on distance. To book a workshop please contact:  [email protected]

Amy Morvell

Amy is Artistic Director of Morvell Dance which is a contemporary dance and physical theatre company based in the South East of England.

The essence behind Amy’s workshops is to create a fun environment where the participants are the heart and centre of the class. The workshops are adaptable and flexible to whoever is in the room with space for a variety of options within the dance phrases. Dependent on length, a workshop would involve a contemporary dance class, followed by a creative session.

A Morvell Dance workshop can be reshaped to the requirements of the venue/school/company.

For more information on workshops visit: 

Half day workshop (up to 3 hours): £200

Full day workshop: £275

Plus travel expenses

Email: [email protected]